17152 116th Ave SE, Suite A, Renton, WA 98058
8714 59th Dr NE, Marysville, WA 98270
Mon-Fri: Open | Sat-Sun: Closed 425-883-4871
Marysville Ductless Heating, Cooling
& Mini Split Systems
When you decide that it’s time to invest in a Marysville ductless heating and cooling HVAC system (or mini split system) from Kodiak Heating and Cooling, you won’t be disappointed. A ductless heat pump or air conditioner consists of an indoor wall mounted unit that is combined with an outdoor compressor. If you’re thinking about installing a ductless heating and cooling HVAC or mini split system, you’ll want to know all the details.
The great thing about ductless units is they are less likely to leak air or pose security problems, as you only need to have a small hole drilled in your wall for their installation. These types of units are also very energy efficient. It has been seen that the average household loses over 25% with traditional ductwork. The unique thing about a ductless heating and cooling HVAC or mini split system from Kodiak in Marysville, is that these kinds of systems have inverter-driven compressors. This kind of compressor allows the unit to speed up or slow down based off the needs of the system. Ductless systems are also less audible and less visible.
The downsides of ductless systems are the upfront cost, aesthetics, and maintenance. If you are planning on replacing your whole house system, you’re going to be looking at two to three times the cost of just replacing your current system with another ducted unit. While you will see lower energy bills, the payback all depends on where you live and your use of the system. When it comes to maintaining a Marysville ductless heating and cooling HVAC or mini split system from Kodiak, you are looking at monthly washes of the filter, especially if you have pets. Ductless systems are also not exactly design-friendly, as they typically come in two standard colors and cannot be covered.
If you think an upgrade is in your budget, a Marysville ductless heating and cooling HVAC and mini split system technician from Kodiak is ready to help you figure out the details.
Contact us today!
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Questions? Need to schedule an appointment? Please use the form to the right. With heating emergencies, please call us at 425-883-4871.

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